How to import data from Excel or CSV file?



Set user rights 

  1. Log in to Gillie.AI  as Admin
  2. Click Users
  3. Set Datapoint API toggle on
  4. Click save 


Picture: User right settings view.


  1. Sign in Gillie as Admin, click Data import from left sidebar
  2. Click New
  3. Drag file to upload area




Example case 1 : person data and datapoints in two separate files

Note: Put after every line CR LF (carriage return, line feed).

Person data

Person is a patient or a customer.



  •  Row 1: Field Names (in any order)
  •  Rows 2…n: Data


  • first_name, last_name and external_ids.0  are mandatory fields
  • external_ids.0  is an unique record identifier in external system,  values are used to match and associate related records to one another in Gillie.  (in this example you don't use person_id)
  • first_name and last_name can be anynomized (copy, for example, person_id or your external_id there)


Person data download example

Sample file:

Maria;Smith;44;;;Tekniikantie 1;;2150;Espoo;GroupA;Care Team 1
Kim;Miller;77;;;Vuorimiehentie 1;;2150;Espoo;GoupB;Care Team 2





  • Row 1: Field Names (in any order)

  • Rows 2…n: Data


  • measurement: Measurement or observation type. Example: home_care_visit is a nurse's note  or weight
  • at: Timestamp in UCT 
  • string_value: Free text
  • value: If there is a number value associated with the measurement, you can place it here  (like weight)
  • customer_external_id: an unique record identifier in external system (source system), like social security code (this should match to external_ids.0 value)
  • device_type: Not mandatory

Click here, if you  want to know more about datapoints.


Datapoint download example

Here we import to Gillie

  • Nurse's notes , home_care_visit
  • Measurements, weight
  • Customer external id, customer_external_id

If you want to import other measurement types to Gille, please contact Gillie support.


Sample file:

home_care_visit;2020-07-21T11:26:00.000Z;Blood pressure measured 85/135. Wound cleaned. I made porridge for Maria. She had a good appetite.;;44
home_care_visit;2020-07-23T00:36:00.000Z;Assisted Maria in shower. Helped to put oxygen mask.;;44
home_care_visit;2020-07-23T12:02:00.000Z;Helped Kim out of bed. He told to feel dizzy and had headache. I measured temperature, was 37,5. I gave aspirin.;;44
home_care_visit;2020-07-23T12:03:00.000Z;Kitchen cleaned;;77


Example case 2: Person data and datapoint data in one file

You can import person data and datapoints in one flat file.



Sample file:

home_care_visit;2020-07-21T11:26:00.000Z;Blood pressure measured 85/135. Wound cleaned. I made porridge for Maria. She had a good appetite.;;444;Maria;Smith
home_care_visit;2020-07-23T00:36:00.000Z;Assisted Maria in shower. Helped to put oxygen mask.;;444;Maria;Smith
home_care_visit;2020-07-23T12:02:00.000Z;Helped Kim out of bed. He told to feel dizzy and had headache. I measured temperature, was 37,5. I gave aspirin.;;777;Kim;Miller
home_care_visit;2020-07-23T12:03:00.000Z;Kitchen cleaned;;777;Kim;Miller


How can I see datapoints in Gillie?

  1. Click  Persons in left menubar
  2. Search Person, click person in list
  3. Person dashboard opens
  4. Click  Menu button  in the right upper corner
  5. Click Devices from the drop down menu
  6. Click other -device
  7. Click Datapoints folder
  8. Select date
  9. You'll see the measurements for that day

 Gillie AI run is done once a day in free trial enviroment.


Date format


Picture: You should see right format in TIME FORMAT field. If not, update format field. Or fix import data file and reload.

Usually Gillie’s data import tool is able to detect time format by itself, but if you have entries like

2020-03-04… and the tool is unable to decide, if format should be YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-DD-MM.

Update time format if needed

Update time format if needed. See guidance at

Example 1: Date 2020-01-03 20:50:00.157 You need to set time format manually in ‘Time format’ section to YYYY-MM-DD HHmmssSSS.  Note: Format is case sensitive, for example MM stands for month and mm stands for minute.

Example 2:  Date 2020-07-21T11:26:00.000Z Tool can decide right format (see picture above)YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSZ

Set also Time Zone .


How to use Gillie ?

Get started, read this first.


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