Rollout means leading the change, where the Gillie.AI application and the new practises it enables are used in the organisation. This requires leading, goal-setting, participation, familiarisation and support.
Good practices for rollout
- The rollout should be thought of as a project and appoint a project manager for it. Depending on the size of the organisation, the project takes the project manager 2 to 20 hours a week.
- The project manager must himself be committed to changing the practices and he must have sufficient technical and substance competence.
- The project manager must have the support of the organisation's management for the change and sufficient authority to carry out the change.
- The rollout is divided into phases. Go to the next phase only after the previous phase has been successfully completed.
- Rollout needs the participation of employees working in different roles and tasks.
- Identify supervisors and users willing to change and involve them in implementing the change.
- Agree with the management and supervisors how the rollout of Gillie.AI will be managed, monitored and supported. The project manager does not have supervisory responsibility and thus cannot directly manage users. The supervisors are responsible for the day-to-day management.
- The project manager must go into the field himself and support, train and encourage the users on site, especially at the beginning of the rollout.
- Monitor system usage with Gillie.AI's reporting and provide guidance and feedback to users.
A. Project Planning
The rollout project begins with planning, where the phases and goals of the project are fixed. The final result of the planning is the rollout plan. The duration of the project is usually 2-12 months, depending on the size of the organisation. The tasks of the rollout phase are listed below.
No | Tasks | Checklist |
1 |
Appoint a project manager. The project manager must have time to implement the change and substance knowledge of the target area. |
2 |
Name members of the project team. The team members participate in the preparation and implementation of the project plan. The members are responsible for the practical tasks that need to be done during the rollout of the application. |
3 |
Set a steering group. Rollout is monitored in the steering group that meets every 1-2 months. |
4 |
Make a rollout plan. It includes phasing, schedule and responsible persons for each phase. The tables on this page can be used as a basis for the plan. |
5 |
Set user roles. The user roles are planned and fixed. |
6 |
Name support users. Support users are responsible for training and advising users. |
B. Starting the Usage
During the start of use, users are committed to a new way of working. The goal is to get as many people as possible to use the application in their own work. The duration of the phase is usually 1-4 months. During the phase, a 30-minute follow-up meeting once a week is usually held with the supplier, where the progress of the phase is evaluated.
No | Task | Checklist |
1 |
Take red alerts in use. optional This task is performed if
2 |
Take yellow and grey alerts in use.
3 |
Take customer's dashboard in use when evaluating customers' service needs. optional |
4 |
Take Statistics functionality in use. Supervisors monitor their own team's customers and employees. |
5 |
Take family member communication in use. optional |
6 | Take web push messages in use. optional |
7 |
Training of new employees. Establish policies for training new employees starting after the completion of the rollout project. |
C. Rooting the Usage
The duration of the phase is usually 1-4 months. During the phase, a 30-minute follow-up meeting is usually held 1-2 times a month with the supplier, where the progress of the phase is evaluated.
No | Task | Checklist |
1 |
Take in use the first monitoring lists (Analysis). The team leaders regularly review the selected monitoring lists. |
2 | Usage monitoring. |
3 | Potential new user groups. optional Assess whether there are user groups that do not yet use the application, but would benefit from its use. |
4 |
Freeing up time from shift planning. Asses whether there is still a need to set aside time for the use of the application in shift planning, or whether it is possible to manage the use without setting aside time. |
5 |
Ending the rollout project. Moving on to the continuous operating model. |
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