Technical deployment


In technical deployment, the Gillie.AI platform is integrated into the organisation's existing information systems and activated for production use. After technical deployment, the rollout phase is initiated.

Some of the technical deployment tasks are optional. These are marked as optional below.


A. Project planning

The deployment project begins with project planning, where its phases and goals are determined. The end result of planning is a work plan. The project lasts from 1 to 8 weeks, depending on the number of integrations to be implemented. The tasks of the planning phase are listed below.

No Task Checklist
1 Appoint a project manager. The project manager shoukd have technical skills. Name the members of the project team who have the necessary expertise in software and substance.
  • Project manager appointed
  • Project group resources reserved
2 Set the steering group. The technical deployment is monitored in the steering group, which meets once a month. The steering group approves e.g. moving into production.
  • Steering group appointed
  • Steering group meeting invitations sent
3 Make a work plan. It includes the tasks, their schedule and the responsible person for each task. The tables on this page can be used as a basis for the plan.
  • Work plan done
  • Work plan approved

Enumerate the functionalities to be implemented. Functionalities include, for example:

  • Alarm center
  • Device registry
  • Emergency call analytics
  • Medication deviations
  • Message wall
  • Decision on the functionalities to be implemented in the project
5 Identify user organisations and users
  • Decision on users
6 Identify the end customers. The potential end customers are e.g. home care clients, emergency service clients, nursing home clients, patients discharged from the hospital and patients monitored remotely.
  • Decision on end customers
7 List the information systems to be integrated. Typical systems are customer, patient record and alarm systems.
  • List of information systems to be integrated
8 List the device types to be integrated. optional Typical devices are emergency phones and various measuring devices.
  • List of integrable device types


B. Deployment planning

In deployment planning, the project and application are presented to different stakeholders. In addition, post-deployment support is planned and a preliminarily contingency plan is prepared with the user organisation.

No Task Checklist
1 Hold a kick-off meeting for project team members. optional In the meeting, the work plan is presented and the weekly meeting of the project group is agreed upon to monitor the technical deployment.
  • The meeting has been held
2 Describe the system architecture and integrations. optional
  • System architecture described
3 Present the application to a potential architecture group. optional If the organisation has a department or function responsible for the overall systems architecture, the deployment of the application may require the approval of that body.
  • Presentation held
4 Present the application to data security.
optional The implementation of the application may require the approval of the information security manager.
  • Presentation held
  • DPIA done
5 Introduce / inform the user organisation. optional
  • The presentation has been held / the info letter has been sent
6 If necessary, update the end customers' consent / care and service plan optional
  • Care and service plan revised / updated

Plan post-implementation support. The processes and responsibilities in the event of deviations must be described. For example, an integration stops working or a regional communication failure prevents the use of the application. Make instructions and a contingency plan for end users in this situation. For the necessary parties (including suppliers), information on how to act during the deviation and who to contact. Guidance for both technical support and admin users. Make sure IT service production has information about available integrations with Gillie. This list is used for version changes and incidents.

  • Support plan and contingency plan made
  • Appointed for Gillie a) technically responsible person (often IT) and b) owner (usually from the user organisation
  • Gillie's system notifications parameterised
  • Gillie's integrations have been added to the IT service production integration list
8 Inform the suppliers of systems and devices to be integrated.
  • Suppliers informed


C. Integrations

The most significant work of deployment is the implementation and testing of integrations. For this purpose, the Gillie.AI platform has a SandBox environment where integrations can be tested before starting production use.

No Task Checklist
1 Set up a Sandbox. Ask Gillie Support ( to set up a SandBox environment.
  • SandBox environment created
  • Admin user ID created

If necessary, create a VPN connection. optional

  • VPN connection to SandBox tested

Open the necessary ports on the firewall. optional

  • Connection tested

Configuration and testing of information system integration x (make an own task for each information system to be integrated).

  • Integration tested

Configuration and testing of customer social security number fetch optional

  • Integration tested

Configuration and testing of customer basic data retrieval optional

  • Integration tested

Configuration and testing of care notes fetch optional

  • Integration tested

Configuration and testing of medication data retrieval optional

  • Integration tested

Configuring and testing lab data retrieval optional

  • Integration tested

Configuration and testing of diagnoses fetch optional

  • Integration tested

Configuration and testing of emergency call retrieval optional

  • Integration tested

Configuration and testing of device integration x (make each type of device to be integrated its own task). optional

  • Integration tested

AD configuration and testing. optional

  • AD integration tested

Decision on moving into production. The steering group gives permission for moving into production. Apply for change management approval (CAB) before the steering group.

  • Permission for moving into production


D. Moving into production

This describes the tasks that must be performed before the production use of the application.

No Task Checklist
1 Set up the production environment. Contact Gillie support ( to set up a production environment.
  • Production environment created
  • (VPN connection works)
  • Admin user ID created

Configure the production environment

  • Production environment configured

Activate the integrations. Activate the integrations identified in the planning phase.

  • Integrations activated

Ensure the operation of the application in production. Check that the end customer information is displayed in the application.

  • Production testing done

Grant access rights. Grant users access either from the application's administrator view or from an external access management application (e.g. AD).

  • Users can log in

Pair devices to end customers. optional

If end customers have devices that do not automatically pair with Gillie.AI, pair the devices manually. 

  • All devices are connected to the application
7 Train admin and support users
  • The admin and support users are trained


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